For growing consultancies, a blended permanent/associate model offers the flexibility to scale up or down according to client demand, without carrying a costly bench. From your client’s perspective there should be no discernible difference in quality whoever you deploy, yet in practice this can be difficult to achieve.
The complexity of balancing your sales pipeline with your recruitment activity, so you can always allocate the right talent to the right engagement, adds to the challenge.
With extensive experience in this field we will work with you to design and implement the processes you need to manage resourcing as effectively as possible, as you scale.
Associate Recruitment and Engagement
- How do you evolve from relying on Associates that you know and trust, to sourcing and assessing previously untested people?
- How do you maintain an active network of Associates to draw upon as you need them? How do you ensure that you are their first choice when they are considering new engagements?
- What systems do you need to manage your Associate network effectively?
Resource Allocation
- How do you make sure that you have the right data to make the best resourcing allocation decisions?
- How can you build resourcing processes that will be robust and scalable as you grow?
- What resource management software should you be using? Could you use your current systems more effectively?
OK, I’m interested. What do I do now?
1:1 Consultation
Perhaps you are thinking about what your organisation structure needs to look like in 12 or 24 months, or maybe you are struggling to hire a key member of your team and need some advice.
Whatever you need, we’ll do our best to help.