Recruitment Process
- Your business and growth ambitions
- Proposition
- Culture and values
- Organisation structure
- Remuneration
- Role Description
- Person Specification
- Assessment Criteria
- Candidate Briefing Document
- Advertising
- Targeted headhunting
- Referrals and networking
- CV screening
- In-depth telephone interviewing
- Shortlisting
- Interview format design
- Tailored assessment exercises
- Face-to-face interviewing
- Advice on remuneration and reward structures
- Offer negotiation and management
- Pre-boarding
- Induction and onboarding process
- Objective setting and performance management
Hiring key roles
Our end-to-end recruitment process can be applied to one or many roles. In every case, we minimise the time that you need to spend whilst keeping you fully involved in the process and the final hiring decision.
Recruitment Managed Service for consultancies
If you don’t have an internal recruitment function, New Minds can manage all aspects of your hiring process, working as an extension of your brand and an integrated part of your team.
OK, I’m interested. What do I do now?
1:1 Consultation
Perhaps you are thinking about what your organisation structure needs to look like in 12 or 24 months, or maybe you are struggling to hire a key member of your team and need some advice.
Whatever you need, we’ll do our best to help.